Days of Our Lives

Days of our Lives Spoilers January 24: Rachel’s Runaway Results

Days of our Lives spoilers for Friday, January 24 give Rachel exactly what she wanted – a reaction to her spoiled prima donna stunt. Except it’s not the reaction she wanted… from anybody.

Next on Days of our Lives

Rachel (Finley Rose Slater) believes she’s unique, original, and special, a creature like no other. And yet, when it comes to getting her own way, she reacted just like the boring, basic, banal brat that she is: She ran away from home. There! Now Mommy and Daddy will be sorry, and they’ll reunite and give me the happy family I want, and I’ll have two adults’ complete attention all the time instead of them taking turns.

Not so fast, Rachey. Sure, Brady (Eric Martsolf) is upset about your disappearance. He is so upset that he turns to Ava (Tamara Braun) to comfort him. Not what you wanted, is it? And Kristen (Stacy Haiduk) is upset, too. But she’s scheming with Uncle EJ (Dan Feuerriegel), not kissing up to Brady. As for Rachel, she’s about to walk into a bizarre situation she’ll have no idea how to handle.

Playing Nice

Cat’s (AnnaLynne McCord) family is visiting Canada to hang with Mom, except Mark (Jonah Robinson). He’s in prison. But Aaron (Louis Tomeo) and Felicity (Kennedy Garcia) are fine.

This means Cat can focus on herself again. She got a job as Marlena’s (Deidre Hall) assistant. That’s a good start. Now, she needs Marlena to help Cat rehabilitate herself. After all, it’s not like what she did was worse than what…anyone in Salem has ever done.

Talk To Me

Julie (Susan Seaforth Hayes) has struggled since losing Doug (Bill Hayes). Chad (Billy Flynn) seems to be the only one who notices. Chad urges Abigail’s great-aunt to get some help and maybe talk to someone. Like Marlena. And this will involve engaging with her new assistant, won’t it?

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