General Hospital Spoilers

General Hospital Early Edition Spoilers Feb 17-21: Kristina Goes Crazy and Drew is Furious!

Hey, General Hospital fans! I’ve got your Early Edition spoilers for February 17th through the 21st. Christina is going crazy, and Drew is furious.

It’s Belinda from Soap Dirt, and if you’re not following us, please click subscribe. As we always do on Early Edition day, we start with what’s coming the rest of this week.

On Wednesday, February 12th, we have Kai and Trina still hanging out at Charlie’s. He tells her that he likes those words—he says she’s got some good words to live by. She is obviously kind of his spirit animal at this point, counseling him through this big life upheaval he’s going through. I like him. He’s a cute kid. I think they are making a really cute pair.

Jason confronts Cyrus—speaking of Charlie’s—about touching his son, Danny. Of course, Cyrus is going to say he was just trying to pray with him because Danny is making outrageous and false allegations. Stone Cold’s not going to hear any of that. Jason says they will never find Cyrus’s body if he ever touches Danny again.

I’m guessing Christina may kick Cyrus out unless Jason scares him off, but then again, Cyrus doesn’t scare very easily. Pretty much everybody in that place hates him, so they need to just start banning him everywhere in Port Charles.

Jason and Danny have a talk after that, and I’m guessing Jason’s upset that Danny took a risk like that, knowing he was coming to confront a killer. But at the same time, Jason is going to commiserate about Danny’s anxiety and frustration over Sam’s murder. I think he’s going to tell him to stay away from Cyrus and let the police do their job. But then again, this is all new information to Jason, so maybe he will go ahead and take Cyrus out and make sure nobody ever finds his body. That seems like the right thing to do after the Danny outburst that lets Cyrus know they’re onto him.

Liz is upset. She’s lamenting to Lucky that they may be farther than ever from nailing Cyrus—like it wasn’t bad enough what Josslyn did, right? Speaking of her, Anna tells Josslyn that the little game she’s playing could cost her life. I wonder if the police chief catches her poking around Austin’s cabin.

I don’t know how Anna knows what Joss has been up to. I don’t think they are watching Austin’s cabin—I think only the WSB is. So we’ll see how exactly Anna busts her, but the spoilers say Josslyn is forced to explain herself. I hope she doesn’t name-drop Brennan, but if she did, that would certainly be fun.

Nina tries to work up the courage to tell Willow that she was also taken in by Drew. She’s trying to make it seem like they were both suckered by his charm, trying to align herself with Willow so she doesn’t look like a rival or like she was doing something behind Willow’s back.

But I wonder if Nina will actually admit to sleeping with Drew or if she will wimp out. Hopefully, she’ll tell her.

Alexis needs a favor from Tracy, and I wonder if this is about Drew, Scout, or one of the kids.

Isaiah and Christina get to know each other more—obviously, he’ll be hanging out at Charlie’s because of her bartender Lucky.

Brennan and Carly spend some time together. Spoilers say they hit the town, but they end up at Bobbie’s. Seems like he should take her somewhere nicer than her diner. He tells Carly, “Nothing can stop me,” and I assume that’s about pursuing her for romance. But when she finds out what he’s been doing with Josslyn, that’s going to be a big problem.

Thursday, February 13th

Chase confesses something, and I wonder if he’s going to tell Dante about his infertility.

Sasha is caught off guard and thrown for a loop—maybe it’s about Tracy being nice? That would definitely throw me for a loop.

Nina gives Sonny something to think about—could be about his war with Ava or the Willow and Michael drama.

Liz rues Rick, and I wonder if this is more of him worrying about Cyrus, especially if she tells him about the scene at Charlie’s.

Cody issues an apology to somebody. He already said sorry to Sasha, so maybe he’s going to swallow his pride and apologize to Jason for calling him a slimeball. We all know he’s not going to say sorry to Drew—who I think we can all agree is a slimeball.

Friday, February 14th

Alexis is making her case to Jason, and this may tie back to the favor she was asking from Tracy. I wonder if she is upset about the Danny and Cyrus thing and maybe she wants Danny with her, away from mob danger—given Sonny’s apartment blowing up and just his dad being a mob enforcer.

Ava gets an offer on Friday, and I wonder if it’s from Sonny. Natalia is trying to get Sonny to avoid a stressful custody battle that would be bad for his heart—also bad for his daughter, Avery. Natalia is bringing him around to seeing that, yes, he may hate Ava, but she’s not a bad mom to Avery.

Obviously, his daughter wants to be around her mother, so he may listen to Natalia, who has his ear, and make some kind of offer of compromise while he’s in a position of power.

Molly makes a revelation about something—perhaps related to Sam’s murder case?

Christina is furious. If she finds out her dad, Sonny, is making some sort of visitation deal with Ava, she is going to lose it. Remember her unhinged statement to Liz this week? That Ava doesn’t get to have her daughter because she killed Christina’s daughter? Not even Alexis blames Ava for this—just Christina.

It’s crazy talk, and she was completely overblowing what happened in the park. Ava was not trying to kidnap her own daughter. She showed up to meet her, invited her over, and Avery wanted to go. There was no kidnapping involved. Plus, that’s her kid!

Meanwhile, Rick is having second thoughts by Friday. I wonder if it’s about getting in bed with Ava, although I think they are a great couple. I love villains, so Rick and Ava—two villains getting together—that’s like Valentine’s Day for me.

The Week of February 17th – 21st

Sidwell is still aiming to strip Sonny’s pier business away from him, where he runs his coffee business and illegal imports and exports.

Since blowing him up didn’t work, and now that Sidwell knows that Sonny is with his ex, Natalia, he’s going to keep pressing Jordan, Curtis, and Drew to do this eminent domain thing.

If you don’t know what that is, it’s when the government takes your land for official use. They pay you fair market value, and you can try to fight it in court, but usually, the government wins.

Imagine if Sonny lost the pier—that would be a big deal.

If Nina does work up the nerve to tell Willow she also slept with Drew, there’s going to be fallout. But whatever line of B.S. Drew serves up, Willow is going to believe—because she’s so gullible for Drew.

Meanwhile, Sonny and Ava may strike a deal to avoid court, but Christina’s fury could cause her to color outside the lines. She’s completely unhinged. I do expect she’s going to do something bad to Ava during February sweeps.

Natalia—now that she’s back from L.A. with Sonny—we’re on a countdown until she sees her ex, Sidwell, in Port Charles. Will it be an incidental run-in, or will he show up just to antagonize her?

Jordan is putting herself at risk trying to fool Sidwell, and Isaiah and Curtis don’t like it.

Despite Anna’s warnings, Joss is not going to back off. And going to Cyrus’s cabin? That seems like a very dangerous idea.

After Danny and Joss both revealed to Cyrus that he’s a suspect in Sam and Dex’s slaying, he’s going to consider drastic action—knowing his time is running out.

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