Days of Our Lives

Days of Our Lives Latest Return Could Open the Door to [Spoiler] and [Spoiler] Coming Back

Mr. Shin is back in town! This time, though, it’s not a member of the DiMera board who’s trying to woo him, but Days of Our Lives‘ Kiriakis brothers, Xander and Philip.

He’s just about the only stable force that DiMera Enterprises has had over the years. Get him on board for Titan to take over the rival company, they figure, and the deal’s as good as done.

Days Of Our Lives – Wei Shin (Clyde Kusatsu) | Celebrating The Soaps

But with Wei Shin’s return, we can’t help but thinking about some other returns — like that of his daughter, Wendy!

She and Tripp have been linked together right from her first appearance when he and brother Joey butted heads over liking her. After that tease in Beyond Salem: Chapter Two, Wendy came to Salem proper and shared a brief but fun fling with Johnny.

They worked together to take down Li and EJ, jetted around the world, hacked some computers and fought of Dr. Rolf and his memory wiping serum.

But then things slowed down once she and Tripp finally got together. In the end, after Li’s death and their own near-death experience at the hands of Clyde’s goons, the couple relocated to Hong Kong to be close to her family.

Steve and Ava’s son is never far from his parents’ thoughts, nor their mentions. They seem to keep in touch pretty much all the time (which is what sunk Rachel Blake’s plan to pretend Ava ran off to visit her son), but Wendy’s always been kind of tangential to that.

But now, with Wei Shin back in Salem, we can’t help but wonder if she and Tripp could be far behind. And for those thinking there really isn’t space for them in Salem, hear us out!

In Rolf's lab, the mad scientist stands between Wendy and Johnny, who sit up on gurneys. Rolf has a syringe in one hand and Wendy's arm in the other. He glares at Johnny, who grabs his arm.

It’s been nearly a year since they were last seen heading out of Salem in April of 2024 and a lot’s changed in that time.

The hospital could definitely use more doctors — provided they get the funding to stay open — since Mark Greene’s been tossed into jail for the foreseeable future. We can’t imagine any trouble in Tripp finding a place back in town.

But even more exciting might be what Wendy could do. With John missing and Rafe MIA (as far as everyone knows), Tripp’s dad has got to be short-handed at Black Patch.

Wendy may not be a former ISA agent or cop, but her hacking skills would be incredibly useful for the private eyes.

She could join Steve at the agency and get back to her roots from when she first showed up, as a take no prisoners woman, who wasn’t afraid to do whatever she had to to get to the truth.

John, sadly, won’t be returning to Black Patch. Wendy joining would be just what she needs to get her dangerous spark back and prepare the way for the next generation to continue the Black Patch tradition.

John’s son, Paul, once worked with his dad as a private eye, so if someday he comes back to town and takes up the mantle from his father, this could open the door to John and Steve’s kids (or at the very least, daughter-in-law) to carry on the good fight.

Our one word of advice if Tripp and Wendy return? Maybe just find a new apartment. No one needs to go back to Connie’s murder pit.

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