Devastating News: Days of Our Lives Star Greg Vaughan Hospitalized – Fans Fear for His Health
TV soap news and spoilers, today we share with you new news related to actor Greg Vaughan, who recently went through a series of health crises while on vacation with his children.
If you really want to know what happened to him, please join us in listening to the actor sharing in this video.
If anyone follows his Instagram, he will definitely have updated this share:
“Life is a box of chocolates,” he wrote, “you never know what you’re going to get. I’ve said it many times, and I truly feel like I’m working and living in the soap opera.”
This trip has been nothing short of another great Vaughan adventure: Fathers and Sons Colorado Spring Break.
It goes from here.
“I felt a bit tired after it. Today, feeling short of breath climbing a few flights of stairs, wheezing, stuffy nose after some cold snowy conditions, and an increasing headache.
I’ve been drinking enough water all day, so in the evening, I take a bottle of Pedialyte and NyQuil out overnight, so I’m ready to tackle Breck with the boys the next morning.”
Unfortunately, it was a restless night—tossing and turning, no sleep, coughing, throwing up, and my head felt like it was stuffed in a walnut cookie.
Disappointingly, it was morning, and I had to tell my children along with friends who had just arrived that I would stay home to rest and do my best for the final days ahead.
That only got worse as the day went on. My mind was racing, trying not to think about having to endure another horrible night or lose another day with my boys. But I did.
Two days passed; enough was enough. I finally gave in and was taken to the emergency room, and to my shock, I learned that I was suffering from severe altitude sickness.
My blood oxygen was at 54%, and my lungs were full of fluid.
Blood oxygen, also known as oxygen saturation, represents the percentage of hemoglobin in red blood cells that carries oxygen.
Most people have oxygen levels between 95 and 100%.
Then he added:
“Well, 4 hours later, a few IV bags and oxygen tanks strapped to my face, I was told I needed to get off the mountain immediately.
However, I couldn’t. We still had another day to go, and I wanted the boys to enjoy their last day at the top of the hill. I decided to go home with my oxygen tank, giving everyone a good laugh, and I knew it would follow, but my boys took care of the old man, and luckily they had friends on this trip.”
Thankfully, Vaughan’s story ended on a positive note, with the actor now recovering and cherishing the precious moments he spent with his children.
His ordeal not only shows the unpredictability of life but also highlights the power of vulnerability and the importance of health awareness.
As Vaughan’s followers and fans reflect on his experience, his message resonates beyond the confines of his personal story, encouraging everyone to prioritize their health and every adventure in life.